Thanks, Orkin Man!
I have to admit, these Orkin pesticide commercials are really funny. Yes, that’s right, I said pesticide! Here at Chiropractic Advantage in Rancho Cucamonga, I advise my patients to discontinue the use of as many household chemicals as possible, as soon as possible. In our culture, we are conditioned to believe that small insects are more harmful than the toxic chemicals that we use to attempt to eradicate them.... -
Yahaira’s 100% Natural Pregnancy
I am so excited! My “nephew” Gerald’s wife Yahaira is expecting soon. I am so proud of Yahaira for the homework she’s doing to make sure she has a natural childbirth and a healthier baby. She’s been getting adjusted while pregnant. (Yes, pregnant women can definitely get adjusted. I use a pregnancy cushion so they can still lie face down until about month 6 or 7. After that I... -
Spinal Manipulation vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger
I am not anything like Conan the Barbarian, in spite of having some martial arts training. For years, the medical community has promulgated the idea that chiropractic spinal manipulation causes strokes. I’ve met many people who have “heard stories” about chiropractors causing strokes. When questioned further, the stories sound more like urban legend (or Fox New, take your pick) than fact. It’s not uncommon for prospective patients discuss their... -
Back Surgery? No Thanks, Doctor!
Say you hurt your back at work, and they sent you for an x-ray and an MRI, and they told you that you needed surgery? Would you agree to the surgery, just to get back to work sooner? Would you reason that, once you had the surgery, you could get by with less pain medication than before? Unfortunately, a study of 1,450 injured workers in Ohio tells a different... -
Vegan Cookbooks are Hot Reading
If you’ve read my blog article “Why There’s No Magazines in my Office” you may wonder, what can you do if you’re stuck in my waiting room besides watch the clock and read Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Nuts, Seeds, and Berries? I know some chiropractors have big aquariums. That’s nice. We have a coffee and tea bar, and lots and lots of books you can grab and read or borrow. ... -
Chiropractor vs. MD for Lower Back Pain: Let the Evidence Decide
One of the positive things coming out of health care reform is that health care providers are going to have adhere to “evidence-based practice guidelines.” That means, if clinical studies provide evidence that one thing works better than another for a certain condition, doctors should advise patients about the thing that works better. An example would be, if eating cherries cleared up gout just as well as an expensive... -
Un-Bag It for your Health
Why does everything we bring home have to come in a bag or some plastic wrap? It turns out, a lot of plastic is not recyclable, even if it does have a little number in a triangle on the bottom. And it’s bad for us. How is that, you say? In the documentary, Bag It, you’ll find out. I watched the movie Friday night at the Packing House in... -
Why We Live
I loved this little video even though it is an advertisement. I live for the day when one of my patients throws his or her pain medication out the window. What are you living for? At Chiropractic Advantage, our motto is “A Healthier Lifestyle.” I help you work on your body because I want you to keep doing what you love to do. I hope you’re inspired to dust... -
Are you Hammering on a Bent Nail?
This morning, on my way to work, I passed a woman jogging on Archibald Ave. She was carrying several water bottles; apparently she was going to be running a while. In the short time it took me to pass her, I took in a number of details that bothered me. It was evident she had a knee injury, as she had taped her leg above, over and below the... -
A Holiday Toast to You
I sincerely enjoyed almost everything about 2010. If you came to my office in 2010 for chiropractic care, I enjoyed having you there. If you shared a cup of tea or cocoa, it was good to see you relaxing. If you brought in your daughters or sons, or moms and dads, I was honored that you trusted me with them. Every day of 2010, someone like you reminded me...