Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care during pregnancy is generally a great idea! Here is what you should know: There are no contraindications to getting a chiropractic adjustment during a normal pregnancy. During the first trimester, you will probably still feel comfortable lying face down on the chiropractic adjusting table. At Chiropractic Advantage, I use a special body cushion with a bowl-shaped cutout to ensure that you can comfortably lie face down until... -
Naima’s (Practically) Pain-Free Childbirth–Chiropractic for Pregnancy
My lovely patient Naima has graciously agreed to share her story about prenatal chiropractic and chiropractic for pregnancy. I first met Naima at the tail end of her fourth pregnancy. She works in a retail shop, and was having some back pain as her pregnancy progressed. The chiropractic care helped…so much so that, during her fifth pregnancy, she decided to get adjusted more regularly. I saw Naima about once...