Hand Washing: Keep it Simple, use Soap
When did hand washing become a dangerous activity? When chemical companies started telling us we needed triclosan, an antibacterial agent. Triclosan doesn’t seem to do a better job than regular old soap, but there are a number of hazards associated with its use. It is a hormone disruptor, so it supresses testosterone and thyroid hormone levels in the body. It promotes the development of super-strains of bacteria. It slows... -
Does Diet Affect Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Does diet affect rheumatoid arthritis? Dr. Michael Greger, who narrates the above video, says “YES.” A plant-based diet is where it’s at whether you’re trying to clear up a chronic disease, or just prevent one. If you’d like to see more of Dr. Greger’s videos, go to nutritionfacts.org, where you’ll find a fantastic array of nutrition information based on the latest research. Honestly, it’s not fun for me to... -
Athlete Powered by Greens, Chia and Hemp–Plant Based Nutrition
A lot of patients who work out seem skeptical about making dietary changes that could improve their health. They have been trained to believe only animal proteins are good enough to build a strong body. Below is a short video showing a gentleman who eliminated dairy products, lunch meats, and some other processed foods from his diet. He now eats big quantities of vegetables, chia seeds and hemp seeds.... -
Thanks, Orkin Man!
I have to admit, these Orkin pesticide commercials are really funny. Yes, that’s right, I said pesticide! Here at Chiropractic Advantage in Rancho Cucamonga, I advise my patients to discontinue the use of as many household chemicals as possible, as soon as possible. In our culture, we are conditioned to believe that small insects are more harmful than the toxic chemicals that we use to attempt to eradicate them.... -
Fibromyalgia Smells Lemony Fresh
When you have fibromyalgia, you hurt all over. Your purse feels like it weighs a ton. You wake up feeling like you need to get some rest. You go in for lab work to see if anything can explain why you are feeling so badly, but the tests come back normal. Sometimes, even going to the chiropractor can make you feel worse instead of better. Frustrating, isn’t it? I...