Spinal Manipulation vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger

By Sharon Martinez
In July 5, 2011
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Conan the Barbarian

I have a bone to pick with this guy

I am not anything like Conan the Barbarian, in spite of having some martial arts training.

For years, the medical community has promulgated the idea that chiropractic spinal manipulation causes strokes. I’ve met many people who have “heard stories” about chiropractors causing strokes. When questioned further, the stories sound more like urban legend (or Fox New, take your pick) than fact. It’s not uncommon for prospective patients discuss their fear of chiropractors with me. Some people come in for back pain but say, “oh, by the way, I don’t want anyone touching my neck.” With all due respect, it’s like me telling my dentist to stay away from my wisdom teeth, because “I don’t want a big infection back there!” I’d like to help set the record straight on the matter of chiropractic spinal manipulation and stroke.

Here is the deal: evidence is mounting that any association between spinal manipulation and stroke is coincidental rather than causal. Furthermore, there is an identical association between visiting a medical doctor and having a stroke. Why? People who have symptoms such as massive headaches or dizziness often seek the help of a medical doctor or a chiropractor. When you’re bleeding in the head, you may initially experience a massive headache or dizziness. The stroke is taking place independently of the doctor’s visit, but concurrently with it.

If we can blame anyone for the myth that chiropractors hurt people, let’s blame Arnold Schwarzenegger. In his role as Conan the Barbarian, he had a famed fighting move where he would twist his opponent’s neck. That move was a Hollywood stunt, my friends!

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