Back Pain Solved by Wallet-ectomy

By Sharon Martinez
In June 17, 2013
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Quite frequently a man will come into Chiropractic Advantage with a particular kind of back pain. It may have started after a long drive, or from sitting a lot, say, in jury duty. Sometimes the pain goes down the buttock to the back of the knee. During the examination, I notice a bit of a limp, a hesitance to bend backward at the waist. If he’s really in trouble, his upper body has shifted east, while his lower body has shifted west, so he’s walking like a hermit crab. Watching him walk, it’s hard to miss the white outline around the wallet in the back pocket of his blue jeans.

Can we help him? Yes! He’s going to need some chiropractic adjustments to realign his pelvis and spine, and he’s going to have to choose a new place to stash his wallet from now on.
Our patient Mr. C. came in for the first time a few weeks ago. He is feeling a whole lot better now, and has been gracious enough to show off his wallet here. It’s a doozie!


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