Carmageddon–Bikes beat Plane 1:34 to 2:54

By Sharon Martinez
In July 20, 2011
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When tater-mageddon comes, I'll be ready

Carmageddon was fun, don’t you think? Especially for those of us out in the Inland Empire, who got to watch things unfold on the news without really having to change our routines at all. You may have heard about the race between a Jet Blue plane and a group of guys on bikes who call themselves @wolfpackhustle. As the Jet Blue plane landed in Burbank to load passengers for its promotional flight to Long Beach, the cyclists took off on two wheels, arriving in Long Beach an hour and twenty minutes before the plane got there.

I am indebted to the @wolfpackhustle guys for proving that sometimes low tech and simple is better. Take gardening: if you are a Chiropractic Advantage patient, you probably agree that growing organic vegetables at home is ideal. However, many people think it’s too much work. This is tater-mageddon, folks. Since I just dug up some potatoes from my yard, let’s compare what’s easier: buying organic potatoes at the farmer’s market, or growing them at home.

At Home: I find a few potatoes in the back of my pantry that have sprouted. Carry them outside. Scrape a trench in the ground and throw taters in every 8″ or so. Throw a little dirt over them. Time elapsed so far, about five minutes. In a few weeks, throw some more dirt around the young plants. Later, dig up the potatoes with a little garden hoe, wash them, and carry them back to the pantry. Total work time elapsed: about 20 minutes. In the picture above, you can see that my original few potatoes have multiplied to about five pounds. I think it would have taken longer for me to drive to the farmer’s market, walk around looking for potatoes, pay for them, and bring them home.

Whether it’s bikes vs. planes, chiropractic vs. big medicine, or home grown vs. store-bought, sometimes simpler and cheaper is a really good thing!

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