Go Ahead and Have a Cookie
‘Tis the season for Christmas sweets and chocolate Chanukah gelt. Go ahead and have a cookie! You’ve been good and you’ve already put some new lifestyle changes in place this year that you’ll follow through with in 2013. To make your Healthier Lifestyle easier, give Santa some ideas from Dr. Sharon’s list of favorites:
1. A Big strong blender for processing smoothies, salsas, and hummus. Melissa, my assistant, has the Ninja. She adds spinach to her breakfast shakes. Maybe that’s why she always has a glow! Other models that are super popular on health foodie blogs are the BlendTec and the Vitamix.
2. Something to mix fresh salad dressing in. Look, I am 99.5% sure that you have unhealthy salad dressings in your fridge right now. Does it contain soybean oil? Throw that out. You deserve something healthier like first cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil. You will need something fun like the Kolder Salad Dressing Bottle. It’s got the recipes right on the bottle. You’ll be glad you are making something fresh. You’ll definitely save calories, too, if you use a bit less oil and a bit more tasty vinegars.
3. A food dehydrator to make some healthy, tasty snacks like fruit leather, kale chips, corn chips (from fresh corn!) or dried fruit. My favorite moderately priced model is the Nesco. Make sure, if you are getting a dehydrator, that it has a fan so everything dries quickly and evenly.
4. Something to replace milk from your diet. We make fresh soy milk, rice milk, and nut milk with the Soya Power Plus.
5. Re-Boot and start fresh with the Standard Process Purification Kit. These are available in our office. This kit has everything spelled out to start 2013 in better health with a 21-day detoxification and cleansing program. A lot of people have told us they’d like to do a detoxification cleanse, but don’t know where to begin. No need to think it through, Standard Process has done that for you.
Have fun dreaming of how healthy you’re going to feel in 2013. If you’re a patient of mine, please accept my sincere thanks for supporting Chiropractic Advantage and making my workday world a happy place, every day. Now, let’s go make a batch of cookies!