Chiropractic for Babies?

By Sharon Martinez
In May 23, 2012
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Do Babies need Adjustments?

Should a baby get a chiropractic adjustment? If he needs it, yes! A case history another chiropractor recently shared can be found here: infantconstipation case study. The baby suffered from constipation and was grumpy. Chiropractic care resulted in an immediate improvement in the baby’s disposition and elimination. How? Well, just like a conductor guides a group of musicians, the nervous system coordinates the contraction of the intestines effectively. When there is injury or irritation along the spine where the intestinal nerves exit it, the nervous system can send out garbled signals.
“Well, wait a second,” you might say. “Infants don’t work in warehouses. They don’t ride dirt bikes. Exactly how did this infant get a spinal misalignment?” The most obvious way is by simply being born. We have all gone to visit someone in the maternity ward and have been introduced to a cute little cone-head of a baby with a bruised face. There can be strong forces placed on the baby’s head, neck and body as he exits the womb.
But babies are so delicate! Is it even possible for a chiropractor to adjust a baby? Yes! The pressure applied to correct the baby’s spine will be about the same as you’d use when you fasten the snaps on his cute little footed pajamas. I find that infants are much more responsive to chiropractic care than older folks, and sometimes need only an adjustment or two before they are functioning on their own as naturally as can be.
Don’t hesitate to call me if you have a baby in the family with constipation, colic, gas, or any other signs of nervous system interference. For moms bringing in a constipated baby for the first time: we advise you to bring extra diapers along! Your baby may not be constipated for long after his adjustment.

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