Naima’s (Practically) Pain-Free Childbirth–Chiropractic for Pregnancy

By Sharon Martinez
In May 9, 2012
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Naima and Her New Son

My lovely patient Naima has graciously agreed to share her story about prenatal chiropractic and chiropractic for pregnancy. I first met Naima at the tail end of her fourth pregnancy. She works in a retail shop, and was having some back pain as her pregnancy progressed. The chiropractic care helped…so much so that, during her fifth pregnancy, she decided to get adjusted more regularly.

I saw Naima about once a month during her fifth pregnancy. The last visit was two weeks before her due date. We adjusted both left and right sacroiliac joints, specifically, to make sure that the pelvis would be as flexible as possible, and that the sacrum would rock and tip like it should during childbirth. I predicted that she was going to have an easy childbirth, based on how well her pelvis was functioning after the adjustment. Little did I know how easy!

Naima reports that she stayed on her feet throughout her eight hour workday while in the early stages of labor. Her husband picked her up, and she went home and fed her family dinner before checking into the hospital at about 9:00 p.m. Without epidural shot or pain medication of any sort, she reports “very little, if any” pain during this childbirth, in comparison to her previous deliveries. She had her son in her arms by 11:00 p.m. Congratulations, Naima! I especially admire this woman for her strong views on raising a healthy, happy family naturally. Her little boy is darling, don’t you think? (By the way, he’s in cloth diapers thanks to his super-natural mom !)

You may have read my previous account about Yahaira and her quick and natural childbirth. Over the years, I have adjusted many pregnant women. Only one that know of went on to have a C-section. When it comes to an easier pregnancy and a less painful childbirth…try chiropractic!

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