Immunity–Get the Chiropractic Advantage
You’ve heard things like, “sugar suppresses the immune system,” and “too much stress will get you sick.” Most of us would agree with those statements just from personal experience. Recently, I came across a research article published in a journal called Brain Behavior and Immunology which helps explain the relationship between stress and our immune system. In it, the authors demonstrate that all immune organs, from the spleen and... -
Go Ahead and Have a Cookie
‘Tis the season for Christmas sweets and chocolate Chanukah gelt. Go ahead and have a cookie! You’ve been good and you’ve already put some new lifestyle changes in place this year that you’ll follow through with in 2013. To make your Healthier Lifestyle easier, give Santa some ideas from Dr. Sharon’s list of favorites: 1. A Big strong blender for processing smoothies, salsas, and hummus. Melissa, my assistant, has... -
Movie Night at Chiropractic Advantage: “Doctored”
I am looking forward to seeing “Doctored,” the movie. I have ordered the DVD and we’ll have a free showing here at Chiropractic Advantage on the following dates: Tuesday, November 13, 6:45 p.m., and Wednesday, November 14, at 4:00 p.m. Please RSVP to 909 483-5295 or email us at [email protected] if you would like to attend. Please come! Our health care choices determine, to a great degree, the quality... -
Back from Vietnam
Back from Vietnam. My husband Walter and I had a fascinating trip. We took an overnight train to Sapa, just below the border of China. Here you can see a medicine woman from one of the mountain tribes in the area dispensing herbs and advice. She may have walked up to half a day to get to this market. In the photo below you can see some type of... -
A Pain in the Arsenic
Recently there’s been some warnings in the news that rice may contain excess arsenic. Would you like to know how it got there? It’s the chicken. As you might have heard from me previously, I am not a fan of our patients eating industrially-raised chicken. In Dr. Gregor’s video here, he explains how chickens are fed arsenic to kill parasites. Later, the chicken by-products find their way into fertilizers... -
Shingles Facts and Shenanigans: Part 1 of 2
I get cranky whenever a barrage of advertising comes out trying to sell us a new illness. Lately you may have seen ads telling you “If you’ve ever had chickenpox, you’re at risk for Shingles.” Were you worried about shingles before Merck started a marketing campaign for shingles vaccinations recently? Probably not. Shingles is not a new illness. The only thing new here is that the FDA approved a... -
Chronic Constipation–Medical Breakthroughs and Chiropractic Common Sense
LOL, I recently read an article on Medscape, a well-respected online medical educational site, about chronic constipation. Here’s the synopsis of the article: a lot of people get constipated. They try home remedies such as water and fiber supplements. When that doesn’t help, medical doctors want to know what else they can do besides prescribing polyethylene glycol, which can help temporarily by inducing diarrhea. One new medical breakthrough is... -
Fit Americans
Is there someone who influenced you to lead a Healthier Lifestyle today? For my father, it was Jack La Lanne. My dad would pull a chair into the living room and do calisthenics to his T.V. show. I was a little girl then, so I may not have understood all that Mr. La Lanne was trying to tell us. My martial arts instructor, Guro Jason Cruz, has taken the... -
Eating to Cure Multiple Sclerosis–Healthy Nutrition
What if…you found your way out of your wheelchair by eating healthy food? That’s exactly what happened for Dr. Terry Wahls, who describes her quest to recover from multiple sclerosis in the above video. Since making this video, she’s gone on to do clinical trials involving diet and multiple sclerosis. The results of her trials were, in her words, “amazing.” We’re reaching a tipping point today in terms of... -
Headaches? Joint Pain? Make a Juice Garden Run and ask for “Vampiro”
Back when I worked in retail, a co-worker announced one day that he was making a run to Oki Dog, and would anyone like him to pick up something? Sure, I said, still innocent at that point of the fact that an Oki Dog contained two hot dogs, pastrami, chili beans, and melted cheese inside a giant flour tortilla. My usual diet being mostly coffee and Cheetos at that...