New Patient Special Offer $25.00

By Sharon Martinez
In September 30, 2011
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Part of my Healthier Lifestyle is my kali training. Kali is a Filipino martial art that is little known to many, having been handed down from generation to generation in backyard training sessions up until recently. My instructor, Guro Jason Cruz, has been instrumental in studying with, filming and documenting the old kali masters and introducing this fighting art to a wider audience. Jason will be going to Belgium in late October to teach a martial arts seminar there. To help him out with travel expenses, we are offering a New Patient Special. New patients can come in now through the end of October, 2011 and pay $25.00 for their first chiropractic adjustment. 100% of the money collected will go toward
Jason Cruz’s travel fund. Call for details, or use the “Book Now!” button on this page to jump right to our appointment book. We are very lucky to have someone like Jason Cruz here in our local community.

Here’s a look at Guro Jason Cruz in action: