Great Chiropractors Few and Far Between, Evidently

By Sharon Martinez
In October 22, 2011
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These Guys think I'm All Right

I’m not bragging. If you want to hear what’s so great about me, Sharon Martinez, D.C., talk to the guys in this photo. The man on the right is my dad, and if you’ve seen him around the office, you know he is a cheerful guy and a joke-teller, in spite of the fact that we’ve made him go vegan for his health. He’s also the greatest fan of his two daughters, the chiropractor (that’s me!) and the architect.

What about the guy on the left? The other gentleman in the photo is Mr. Craig, a retired train conductor. On the particular day that this photo was snapped, he had just had his adjustment, and he stopped to chat with my dad. Evidently, as he related it, he’s had three great chiropractors in his lifetime. The first was back in the 1940’s, then there was a lady doctor in the 1970’s, and now there is me, Sharon Martinez, D.C. Mr. Craig has been getting adjusted for the past seven decades. It made my day to hear I had made his chiropractic hall of fame. End of story.

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