Heading to the Standard Process Farm
May 16-19, 2013, my assistant Melissa and I head to Wisconsin to visit the famous Standard Process organic farm! It will be great to see for ourselves how they grow the beets, kale, brussel sprouts and more that go into their whole-food supplements. We’ll find out how 25 pounds of produce get condensed down to fit into one small glass bottle. What we like about Standard Process is this:... -
Living in Alignment
When our actions are in alignment with our beliefs, we are living with integrity. Do you think one thing but find yourself doing another? Let’s say you believe that drinking water in plastic bottles is harmful for your body and for the environment. You don’t want to consume a mess of hormone-disrupting chemicals, ever. But when you’re thirsty, you forget all that and find you’re holding a plastic bottle... -
Hand Washing: Keep it Simple, use Soap
When did hand washing become a dangerous activity? When chemical companies started telling us we needed triclosan, an antibacterial agent. Triclosan doesn’t seem to do a better job than regular old soap, but there are a number of hazards associated with its use. It is a hormone disruptor, so it supresses testosterone and thyroid hormone levels in the body. It promotes the development of super-strains of bacteria. It slows... -
A Little Common Sense Beats Too Much Health Care
In today’s Los Angeles Times, there were three articles with a common theme: too many people are being sold medical tests and procedures that do not promote better health. In the first Times article, we learn there are 220,000 bariatric surgeries performed a year. Originally it was hoped that, by undergoing this drastic procedure, people might be spared from obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Alas, the ongoing... -
You can Beet it! Chiropractic and Nutrition
Over here at Chiropractic Advantage, chiropractic and nutrition are the big topics of conversation. We’re always trying to get people to eat their vegetables. And we don’t mean two or three sprigs of broccoli. We are hoping you’re going to go for the Full Monty and have some cauliflower, kale, collards, brussel sprouts and beets! I don’t intend to try convincing you of the nutritional benefits of the beet... -
Immunity–Get the Chiropractic Advantage
You’ve heard things like, “sugar suppresses the immune system,” and “too much stress will get you sick.” Most of us would agree with those statements just from personal experience. Recently, I came across a research article published in a journal called Brain Behavior and Immunology which helps explain the relationship between stress and our immune system. In it, the authors demonstrate that all immune organs, from the spleen and... -
Thanks for 2012
On my way to work today, I found myself wishing 2012 was not coming to an end! It was a great year for many of the patients who come to see me at Chiropractic Advantage. There were people who got off painkillers. Some got away from taking antibiotics every time something wasn’t right. Others found out they could feel much better by changing their diet. The lady who made... -
Go Ahead and Have a Cookie
‘Tis the season for Christmas sweets and chocolate Chanukah gelt. Go ahead and have a cookie! You’ve been good and you’ve already put some new lifestyle changes in place this year that you’ll follow through with in 2013. To make your Healthier Lifestyle easier, give Santa some ideas from Dr. Sharon’s list of favorites: 1. A Big strong blender for processing smoothies, salsas, and hummus. Melissa, my assistant, has... -
Shingles Facts and Shenanigans, Part 2 of 2
In part one of my shingles discussion, I describe my concern about drug companies marketing a vaccination for shingles. It’s up to you to decide if you should be super concerned about shingles. I am not. It’s painful, but usually resolves on its own in several weeks. My greater concern is that people who have been vaccinated might be unknowingly spreading shingles to their friends and co-workers. If that... -
Movie Night at Chiropractic Advantage: “Doctored”
I am looking forward to seeing “Doctored,” the movie. I have ordered the DVD and we’ll have a free showing here at Chiropractic Advantage on the following dates: Tuesday, November 13, 6:45 p.m., and Wednesday, November 14, at 4:00 p.m. Please RSVP to 909 483-5295 or email us at [email protected] if you would like to attend. Please come! Our health care choices determine, to a great degree, the quality...