Thanks, Orkin Man!
I have to admit, these Orkin pesticide commercials are really
Yes, that’s right, I said pesticide! Here at Chiropractic Advantage in Rancho Cucamonga, I advise my patients to discontinue the use of as many household chemicals as possible, as soon as possible.
In our culture, we are conditioned to believe that small insects are more harmful than the toxic chemicals that we use to attempt to eradicate them. It seems odd to me that people pay to have someone regularly spray toxic chemicals around their homes. They then come in for treatment of headaches, chronic fatigue, and malaise, which I suspect is in a large part caused by chemical exposure. You probably won’t get sick from finding an ant in your sugar bowl, but here is a list of common cancer-causing household pesticides, according to the National Institute of Health.
There is really no debate that all of us have been exposed to toxic chemicals unknowingly and we are passing these chemicals on to our unborn children. The joke’s on us when we laugh at a commercial that portrays insects as criminals. I say: if you see a line of ants, try a non-toxic solution such as cinnamon to discourage them. If you see the Orkin Man coming, run!!!
To your health, Sharon Martinez D.C. of Chiropractic Advantage, Rancho Cucamonga, CA