Lavender Works Like Estrogen

By Sharon Martinez
In November 20, 2013
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Last week, I treated a ten-week-old infant boy who had been crying excessively for seven straight weeks. Up until the time his mother decided to bring him in for a chiropractic adjustment (which helped tremendously!) she had tried every home remedy she could think of. She had even tried rubbing her baby with lavender body cream. I’m glad she mentioned that fact–I told her to stop the cream immediately.

Now, lavender is traditionally known as a calming herb. Often, massage therapists will place a dot of lavender essential oil on the face cradle to help you relax. However, like any other herb, use it appropriately! Interestingly, lavender has an estrogen-like effect and has been linked with premature development of female characteristics like breasts in both boys and girls. Here is another link to a New England Journal of Medicine article reporting on this issue. And remember, moms and dads: what you put on your skin is going to come in contact with your children’s skin, too!

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